We’ve all heard the tips on what to pack for our trips to stay healthy or if an emergency happens while we are on them; medicines, doctors numbers, insurance information, leaving an itinerary with a trusted person, etc. But what about the days leading up to your trip? Those days when you are trying to get all loose ends tied up at work and figuring out what to do with all the perishable food in your refrigerator. (That’s always a big source of stress for me… should I buy more spinach now?? Or can I make do with what I have left?? Ugh 😑)
We, Americans, tend to go on less vacation than many people in the industrialized world. And here in the Northeast, even fewer. Some of us take a week’s vacation only to spend half that time trying to unwind from our ‘normal’ lives and the other half arguing with ourselves not to check email. We go on vacation for many reasons and letting go of stress is a big one. But are you more stressed than normal before your trip just getting ready for it?
These are tips to do a few days before your trip. Yes, it might mean packing more into your already packed days of packing (see what I did there?) BUT! If you do these mindfully you may end up getting to your vacation spot a little less stressed.
Get a massage before you leave
I had a client today who was leaving for a trip to Europe. She wanted to prep and relax for the flight and get herself loosened up. “What a great way to begin a vacation!,” I told her. She wanted to leave as much stress here at home as possible.
Use therapeutic grade essential oils to help calm or manage your system (and then bring them with you).
Peppermint helps with nausea and is great for sore feet. Lavender helps soothe sunburned skin and can help produce relaxation for nervous travelers. Melaleuca helps with bug bites, is an antiseptic and is an overall medicinal powerhouse. These are usually sold in 5ml bottles so they are well within the limits for liquids.

Get good sleep / rest at least a week before your trip.
Not only does this help boost your immune system because we all know nothing is more dreadful than sick, airplane air. Make sure you get good sleep the days prior to your trip, if that means packing a bit at a time so you’re not rushing the night before, than by all means, start early. Meditate, practice your HeartMath@ tools, and create mindful space in your days leading up to the trip to reduce any stored stress.
If your flying, plan to leave super early for the airport.
I’m not a nervous flier, but I am a nervous getting-to-the-airport-on-time person. I’ve made it a point to check in ahead of time, pack only a small roller bag that I don’t have to check. And I still like to leave way ahead of time. Traffic, security, and unknown events can severely put a damper on making it to the airport on time.
Drink lots of water the day before the trip.
I know it’s not fun to get up and use the bathroom on the plane, or stop the car every 30 minutes. I’ve learned this from experience and I think a lot of us don’t realize the subtle, creeping way dehydration takes its toll on our systems. But staying hydrated really helps with stamina, emotional awareness and resiliency which means more patience and keen map-reading skills.

I know you have a lot to do on those last days before your getaway. And you deserve to have a peaceful, enjoyable, and memorable trip. These tips can help you start that trip a bit early and make the most of your time while your on it.
Bon voyage
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