In this post we are listing seven ways to help build resiliency. It’s pretty much all self care. When we fill our own cups, we can then authentically help others fill theirs. When these are done consistently, on a daily, or sometimes, hourly basis, they work best. The consistency of these practices is what will build your resiliency and move you forward on your path.

We recommend having a list of 4 or 5 actions that you will do when you’re stressed out that you can do easily and effortlessly.  These should be of different lengths and complexities, so things you can do wherever you are, among other people, with other people or in private.  But the best way to be resilient is to maintain it, so do these often, even when you are calm and relaxed.

  1. Breathe – conscious breath, deep belly breaths will help re-balance the nervous system. It will give you pause when in the midst of a stressed situation. When I feel myself going down the rabbit hole I tell myself to stop for the moment and take 5 deep breaths. 
  2. Share – communicate with your family that you need help rebuilding your resilience. Most likely if you are low, your family may be as well. We are all interconnected, especially family living in close proximity. They might know it and also they might be low as well. Building your family’s resiliency can be a bonding experience. 
  3. Sleep– as stated earlier, this is the best way to build resiliency. But what happens when you are an insomniac?  Information on helping with insomnia here. 
  4. Take a bath or soak your feet, use Epsom salts with Lavender Essential oil (or another oil that you find relaxing)
  5. Meditation – yes, we’ve heard the benefits about meditation, but how do you do it when your resilience is low and your mind is racing? This can be tough.  You don’t want to make yourself more stressed by struggling to meditate.  What worked for me was to take 100 deep breaths… and yes, I actually counted.   You can get into a meditative state by doing anything that you enjoy doing; gardening, reading, knitting, exercising, etc.  The trick is to do it with Intention.  
  6. What brings you joy? Did you love going to lunch with friends? How about setting up a virtual coffee date, doing puzzles, playing with your pets or kids? Make sure you are taking time to do small things to help fill your bucket.  My little slice of heaven is to listen to my audio book while doing a puzzle… two treats in one!!
  7. Pay it forward… to yourself.  Give yourself a gift; whether it’s taking yourself for a walk or doing something that will make your tomorrow easier. Then tomorrow you will be grateful for the kind action you did today.  I used to work in the restaurant industry and we always had ‘side work.’ This was work you did while it was slow to make your busy times easier and more efficient. Think of this as that type of task, so change that empty toilet paper roll now instead of when you REALLY need it. 


So What *Exactly* is Resilience?

7 Additional Ways to Build Resilience

Julia Gandy, BS., M.Div., BCTMB

HeartMath Coach and Trainer

In Julia’s experience, wellness happens on many levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.  If a person is not well on any of these levels, stress and/or disease may occur.  Her training has enabled her to assist her clients on each of these levels,  and has educated herself to meet these needs.  Julia is a Board Certified Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Medicinal Aromatherapist, HeartMath® Coach and Trainer, Mindfulness Coach and a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking.  She has been trained in Pastoral and Group Crisis Intervention. 

Julia has developed a system which melds many of the techniques and strategies she has learned to help her clients, their colleagues, and their families build quicker access to inner peace and to create a more peaceful, resilient home and working environments.  She offers private coaching, online classes, workshops, and family retreats to help people live a more fulfilling, enjoyable life.  She offers half- or full-day seminars to those in Corporate America, Healthcare, Social Services, Teachers and Law Enforcement and First Responders. 

She can be found online at or on Facebook and Instagram @embodyingwellnesscoach for her coaching business.  For her peace building work, find and join the discussions at or on Facebook and Instagram @peaceandloveamplifiers.