by Julia Gandy | Jun 1, 2020 | Anxiety, Embodying Peace, My Journey to Peace, Wellness
For this work of self-reflection, deep vulnerability is needed – not with the intent to wallow, but to acknowledge the wounded-ness of self and hear it’s pain. And to give it the love and acceptance for which it has been longing. We are loaded with so much...
by Julia Gandy | May 1, 2020 | Anxiety, Resilience, Wellness
In this post we are listing seven ways to help build resiliency. It’s pretty much all self care. When we fill our own cups, we can then authentically help others fill theirs. When these are done consistently, on a daily, or sometimes, hourly basis, they work best. The...
by Julia Gandy | May 1, 2020 | Anxiety, Resilience, Wellness
In this post we are listing seven additional ways to help build resiliency. It’s pretty much all self care. When we fill our own cups, we can then authentically help others fill theirs. When these are done consistently, on a daily, or sometimes, hourly basis, they...
by Julia Gandy | May 1, 2020 | Anxiety, Resilience, Wellness
It’s the buzz word that everyone is using during CoVid- 19. Why? What is so important about resiliency? From the teachings and research done by The HeartMath Institute it has been redefined as not only the ability to bounce back from adverse...
by Julia Gandy | Jun 26, 2019 | Wellness
We’ve all heard the tips on what to pack for our trips to stay healthy or if an emergency happens while we are on them; medicines, doctors numbers, insurance information, leaving an itinerary with a trusted person, etc. But what about the days leading up to your...
by Julia Gandy | Dec 21, 2015 | Wellness
I used to have a problem for a while falling asleep at night. I would just lay there looking like I was asleep but the thoughts in my head were like they were on a hamster wheel just churning away. What did I not do that day, what do I have to do tomorrow, what I...
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